Coastal Pickling Company was started in 2022 by Lindsay Wong, a pediatric therapist and pickle lover, and her husband, Jonathan Wong, a dentist anesthesiologist. Lindsay and Jon reside in Outer Banks and Virginia Beach and have commercial kitchens in both locations, where they hand-craft pickles in small batches, when they are not working in healthcare. Lindsay and Jon have developed four flavors of fresh, cold pickles without artificial preservatives. Their goal is to make the best pickles you have ever had and ship them directly to your home!

My journey from being a pediatric occupational therapist to a full-time pickler has been an adventure in the making for some time.
I grew up in Central Illinois, surrounded by fields of lush farmland. From an early age, I developed a passion for gardening and fresh, vegetarian cooking – sourcing my ingredients directly from my grandparents’ fields and gardens. However, it wasn’t until after college, graduate school, and a move to Virginia Beach that I discovered an exciting new avenue for all the fresh herbs and vegetables I had lying around my kitchen: pickling.
What began as a delightful new hobby soon turned into a full-fledged pickling obsession. At night – after working with patients all day – I would practice and refine my recipe, pickling until the early hours of the morning. Once I felt I had perfected my “Classic Dill” recipe, I began giving away jars of my pickles as holiday gifts to my neighbors.
More and more of my neighbors started to request pickles well after the holidays were over. For years, I laughed them off – they were simply being polite, right? However, in the summer of 2022 – as more and more requests from friends and family rolled in – I decided to take their encouragement to heart. And that’s where we are today: an exciting transition from my healthcare career and the beginning of a new business adventure: Coastal Pickling Company.
I cannot thank my community enough – my family, my friends, my colleagues, and even the complete strangers who took a chance on my pickles in the beginning. Thank you for your encouragement and support on this new pickle adventure. And to my family and friends – those subjected to endless pickle talk and taste testings – you are forever appreciated.